This was the first concert of SHINNee without their angel.

After the tragic news that was received in December last year that made many fans of k-pop pain and put everyone in mourning, the death of the member of SHINNee Jonghyun. Now his teammates have decided to continue with his way as he would like, no matter that he is not with them in his heart and the guys of SHINNee were in charge of letting his fans know with the first concert without him.
SHINNEE WORLD THE BEST 2018 is the name of the tour that started on February 17 and that these guys have started.
In this first concert the SHINNee guys performed multiple hits and apart they released their fans a new Japanese single that included the voice of Jonghyun, making the heart of their fas agitasebd and exceedingly.
Even giving a successful concert the group of now four members do not forget to commemorate each that they could to their angel, during a song they left a microphone with a rose in the center of their alignment to remember that he will always be part of the group, at the end of the song every integrantedejo his rose in the microphone of the missing member and although there were tears dedicated these words to their fans:
Onew said, "It's been a long time, we're nervous to see you after all this time, we'll be strong until the end, so please take care of yourself."

Key said: "We prepare diligently, we will work hard until the end, so please take care of us."

Taemin shared, "Everything we have done with Jonghyun is a precious memory, we were like a family, and we will always remember it."

Minho said: "Not only in this scenario, but in each subsequent stage, we will feel as if we were here, I also promise you one thing, everyone, I hope everyone remembers Jonghyun."

After the concert, SHINee members expressed: "We are prepared to show you more than we have shown so far as SHINee, we hope our hearts will be transmitted to all of you."
